RedER Chubut Project: The energy transition that drives the future of family farming in Patagonia

October 2024, Chubut – Fundación 500RPM, in collaboration with the Ibero-American Union of Municipalists (UIM), Fundación Patagonia Natural (FPN) and co-financing from the European Union in Argentina, presents the RedER Chubut project: Fair and Inclusive Energy Transition of Family Farming, an innovative program that promotes agricultural sustainability in the region through intensive strawberry horticulture and the integration of renewable energies in production, classrooms and public policies.
The project, which will be implemented between 2024 and 2027, has funds of 700,000 Euros that will be used entirely for the development of the province of Chubut. It focuses on three key axes: Production, Education and Governance, all designed to improve the quality of life of local agricultural producers, promote technical training in clean energy and strengthen local governance in the energy transition with a gender focus.
Production: Agricultural sustainability with efficient technologies
The Frutillas del Viento project has been the central axis of the project, where the installation of efficient productive infrastructure with drip irrigation and production under microtunnels for small horticultural producers has been achieved in collaboration with INTA Esquel. This year, the project incorporated 12 producers and added a total of 18,000 strawberry seedlings distributed in the towns of Alto Rio Percy (Esquel), Cholila, Costa de Lepá (Gualjaina), El Hoyo, Los Cipreses (Trevelin), Paso de Indios, Paso del Sapo and Tecka.
Education: Training in wind turbine manufacturing
Education has been a fundamental pillar of the project with the participation of students and teachers from technical schools. This year, six units have already been built in the agricultural technical schools No. 719 "Peñi Hué" in Gobernador Costa, No. 733 in Gaiman, "CEA Valle de Cholila" of the Fundación Cruzada Patagónica, No. 740 "EMETA" in Trevelin and in the technical schools No. 728 "Alfonsina Storni" in Puerto Madryn and Polytechnic No. 701 in Esquel. These wind turbines will be used for strawberry plantations. This initiative not only promotes technical knowledge, but also involves young people in climate action and the energy transition.
Governance: Collaboration for an inclusive energy transition
In the governance axis, RedER Chubut has made progress in the creation of a Just Transition Agenda for family farming. This year, two agreements have been signed with the local governments of Tecka and Esquel for the participatory design of energy policies and support for the project. In the coming months, a provincial survey will be carried out to propose policies that facilitate the implementation of renewable energies for the development of family farming.
Launch event
On November 21, 2024, the official launch event of the project will be held at the Rural Society of Esquel. This event, which will bring together local producers, educational institutions and governments, will be a unique opportunity to learn more about the progress of the project and the plans for the coming years. The presence of the Head of Cooperation of the European Union in Argentina Ilse Cougé, as well as local authorities and key actors in the development of the project, will highlight local and international support for the energy transition in the region. Invitations were also sent to the governor of the province and mayors of the localities associated with the project, the promoting institutions, financing organizations, and various stakeholders: authorities and teachers of technical schools; producers of family agriculture, and other institutions with an interest in the energy transition, renewable energies, horticultural production and technical education: companies, chambers, universities, public bodies, associations, cooperatives, among others.
About the European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. The European Union acts globally to promote the sustainable development of societies, the environment and economies for the benefit of all people.