We launched the "Science and Technology against Hunger" project in Chubut together with INTA Esquel!

In mid-2021, we won the call from the Ministry of Science and Technology: "Science and Technology against Hunger", whose objective is to promote and strengthen the integration of knowledge and technological and social developments linked to solutions for access to food and safe water.
Our project consists of the construction of 8 horticultural facilities supplied with wind energy for small producers in the Patagonian steppe of Chubut. This will have an impact on families, since these are economically profitable facilities, and will also involve strengthening the technical energy team in Cholila and the creation of a technical production team in Esquel, which will work together with INTA to provide support to producers.
The wind-powered water pumping system that we are incorporating enables efficient management aimed at sustainable horticultural production, generating a 45% saving in the amount of water used compared to flood irrigation - water is a scarce resource in the region - in addition to the incorporation of clean energy, without which the production project would be unviable due to the high costs of using fuel for energy generation that it would entail.
The project will also allow the return of the capital invested by producers over 4 to 6 years, for the creation of a revolving fund that will allow them to reach other producers in the area. Likewise, producers will contribute a small amount for the maintenance of the installed equipment, something key to the sustainability of decentralized rural electrification systems.
On Thursday, October 21, the first action of the project was carried out with an open call for young producers, held in the town of Gualjaina, in the Chubut Steppe. The event generated great interest, and more than 40 people came to learn not only about the future idea, but also about the first-hand experience of two producers (Marcela Peña and Jésica López) who participated in the first installations of this type in the area.
The presentation was made in conjunction with INTA, with the presence of the Agricultural Engineer Eduardo Miserendino, a specialist in horticulture who strongly promotes this project within the institution; Luciana Proietti, co-founder and president of 500 RPM, and members of the brand new technical team of Esquel, Camila Antiman and Guillermo Freeman. Also present was the mayor of Gualjaina, Marcelo Limarieri, who said a few words in support of the project that seeks productive diversification in the region, and the local production secretary, Alexis Cretton. At the end, a visit was made to the facilities built in the Peña family's field, located on the outskirts of Gualjaina, in which about 20 producers participated and where the operation of the installed equipment was shown and explained (wind turbine, water pump, storage tanks, drip irrigation system and plantation).
The project continues with the selection of the beneficiaries, for which a selection committee was formed made up of INTA, 500RPM, the Municipality of Gualjaina and CORFO (a provincial organization), all actors with knowledge of the terrain and the producers in the area. And during these first weeks of November, visits to the fields of the interested parties who qualified the best have already begun and a list will be created with the 8 producers who enter, leaving others on the waiting list.
The project has projections of continuing to grow in the area and seeks the creation of a new productive activity driven by wind energy, the most abundant resource.
Team meeting before the event. From left to right: Guillermo Freeman, Luciana Proietti, Eduardo Miserendino and Camila Antiman.